Training and More
Customer Questions?
What do I do when the lane light comes on?
Answer: Ace mechanic Rich Maisano
Long story short;
What that fault means is a misfire on that cylinder. The Ecu (Electronic Control Unit) is taking millions of samples a second. If it gets one hiccup it triggers an Ecu fault. We have been seeing sporadic intermittent Ignition issues on many Bristell 915 Turbos. It can happen every flight which is definitely a defective part. If it occurs only once every 10 flights, we have found it can be anything from a spark plug to an ignition module to a bad contact on the ground wire terminal block. Monitor how frequently it happens. Recycle the lane and continue flying. If it happens on many flights, it’s definitely an issue and we will have to diagnose it.
My goal is to have the safest aircraft in the USA. I believe over time insurance companies will insure Bristell aircraft for lower rates than other planes due to the low number of accidents. If Bristell owners complete our Landing Doctor training program and fly within their Personal Limitations, I believe they will stay safe and have fewer accidents than any other aircraft in the country. You can learn more about our training at
Lou Mancuso, "The Landing Doctor" May 30, 2020

Basic Med...How long is it good for?

Jan 2022 Delta Airlines announcement in the Wall Street Journal
Delta will no longer require airline pilot applicants to have a college Degree.
This is great new for our Sebring Flight Academy where we can prepare a new pilot for an airline career in half the time and half the cost.

Service Bulletins
To keep up with any service bulletins that may apply to your Bristell, go to basecamp. Since 2008 there has just been one service bulletin for the Bristell aircraft. It requied Bristell 912iS 100 hp engines to replace the engine mount bolts at the next inspection if they looked okay on the day you received the service bulletin
We have numerous service facilities prepared to meet your service needs. All Rotax certified repair facilities can work on your power plant. Major service facilities are located in Texas, Florida (Lockwood)863-655-5100, Oregon (West Coast Sport Aircraft) 541-258-5029, Iowa (North Iowa Air Service) 641-424-9366, Pennsylvania (Sport Flying Usa Services) 717-371-8677, North Carolina, Mississippi (Ronnie Smith) (South Mississippi Light Sport Aircraft) 601-947-4953 and New York (Sport Flying USA) 631-281-5400, St Louis, Mo Piston Aviation GM Joe Ord 636-328-3750 Florida, Shayne Morris 863-214-4754
If you have a question about service please call John Rathmell at (717) 371-8677 or Lou Mancuso 516-658-1847 and we can help you find out what will be the best service solution for you.
Every effort is made to ensure that the information provided by this information search page is accurate and up to date. However, given the nature of the service and technical information and the limitations of search software, all pertinent engine service and technical information may not be returned by a single query or group of queries. Therefore it is the responsibility of each engine and aircraft owner / operator to ensure that he or she is fully aware of all Alert Service Bulletins, Service Bulletins, Service Instructions & Service Letters applicable to his or her engine model and serial number.